Cooling Down: Mastering the Art of Anger Management

January 12, 2024 β€’ Ψ§Ψ¨Ψ±Ψ§Ω‡ΩŠΩ… β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 1

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Ever feel like a simmering pot ready to boil over? We've all been there, and this week we're tackling the heat of anger with strategies that promise to turn down the temperature on your emotions. Join us as we dissect the complexities of anger and its diverse manifestations, from the passive-aggressive comments we mutter under our breath to the assertive stance we can learn to adopt. You'll gain invaluable insights into how to spot the red flags of anger escalation and deploy techniques like an anger meter to keep your cool. More than just a discussion, this episode arms you with practical steps to identify what pushes your buttons and how to communicate effectively, ensuring you're equipped to handle life's heated moments with grace.

But what happens when anger is left unchecked? We dive into the less talked about but significant health risks associated with pent-up rage, including the potential for serious conditions like heart attacks. Laughter might just be the best medicine, and you'll find out how humor can soothe tensions and why relaxation isn't just a luxuryβ€”it's a necessity. From examining the roots of our frustration to personal anecdotes about stepping back from the edge, there's a wealth of wisdom to be absorbed. And because you're part of our community's heartbeat, we wrap up with our deepest thanks, a peek at the exciting content ahead, and a reminder that our door is always open for your questions and stories. Here's to a calmer, more empowered you!

For more resources on ANGER MANAGEMENT click this link below:

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Speaker 1:

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night. Wherever you are and however you are listening, welcome to Food Planet's podcast. On today's episode, we will be discussing anger management. First of all, let's start with anger. What does anger even mean? Anger is a feeling or emotion that can range from mild irritation to intense annoyance, to rage. It may be a natural response when possible harm is anticipated or when another person is done something wrong or harmful to you. Anger management or anger there are two sides that come with that. Actually, let's make it three, because I know a few. There's one called passive behavior, and that's when angry individuals may respond with passive behavior. Passive behavior usually means that opinions, feelings and wants are withheld or expressed indirectly. Responsibilities and decision-making are avoided, as is the need to take a personal stand on matters of importance. Aggressive behavior when angry individuals may respond with aggressive behavior. Aggression can cause harm to another person or property. Aggressive behavior can include verbal abuse, threats or violent acts. Assertive behavior when angry individuals may respond with assertive behavior. Assertiveness allows individuals to stand up for the rights, their rights, and express their feelings, thoughts and beliefs in direct, honest and appropriate ways. Now let's take that cycle, that aggression cycle, and turn it into facts. That comes from anger.

Speaker 1:

1. The escalation phase. During the escalation phase, anger is building. Cues or warnings signs that indicate that anger is building include physical sensations, thoughts, feelings and behaviors. 2. The explosion phase. 3. The post-explosion phase. The post-explosion phase allows and involves the negative custom that have resulted from the behavior that occurred during the explosion phase.

Speaker 1:

Now let's sit back and relax and think about what anger management, or anger, really is. Managing anger effectively means preventing the anger from reaching the explosion phase. This can be done through, let me tell you, increased awareness of what triggers the anger. So figure out what caused it. Attending to the cues or warning signs that indicate that the anger is building. So basically, recognize what the issue is and how it started before it explodes. So de-escalate the situation.

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Using an anger meter to monitor anger levels, with zero being completely calm and 10 being out of control. Basically, monitor your anger and control it. Have access to it to control it. Okay, being assertive instead of aggressive. Talk to them. Calm down, talk to yourself Like why is this happening and how do they start? Learning about and using other tools to stop and reserve the escalation of anger. So learn about the situation or the problem. Figure out the solution. Okay, talking to helpful coaches. Find professional help, find some life coaches, personal people in your life, a family, a friend, peers, anybody. It can be anybody who has been through the same phase as you, same situation as you.

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Why should I manage my anger? Let's all ask ourselves that question. Why should we? You know why I mean anger, especially chronic or long-lasting anger, can lead to physical health problems. Yes, that's very true. When you are angry all the time, your blood pressure goes high, headaches, chronic pain, heart disease, muscle pain and joint problems, dental problems due to jaw clutching and grinding. So if you're a person who just likes to, when you're angry you're just grunting and you're just growing and you're just mad and you're angry. You can't, you're not trying, you can't let it out, just scream. Okay, because angers can also cause high cholesterol, immune system disorders, stomach and digestive system problems and even early death. Did y'all just hear that I said anger can also lead to death?

Speaker 1:

Anger can also lead to frequent arguments, physical injury to self or others, domestic violence, child abuse, pet abuse, poor thinking and decision making, work problems. So in your work environment, with your coworkers lost promotions being fired, legal and money problems, gel or prison time, road rage and traffic tickets, hurt or ruined problems, relationships and divorce. So if you're at a stage where you can't control your anger, that means you have a serious problems and the best thing to do is de-escalate the situation, walk away from it. When you're angry, go for a walk, go for a drive, go get your favorite food, go see your favorite movie, do something that makes you happy, and forget about what just happened. Walk away from that scene. It's not worth it. And if somebody wants to fight you or confront you, just let them know. Hey, I don't want no issues, I don't want no problems. You be on your way, I'll be on my way, because we can both end up somewhere bad, just somewhere terrible, somewhere dark either death in prison or jail, or we can lose everything. And ain't nobody got time for that, ain't nobody got time for that. So if you're out there having angry issues and you because sometimes let's just hold up, hold up, let's just pause A lot of people are driven by ego and image and their title, what they claim to be or whatnot, and it's not worth it.

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I don't care what you are or who you are, I'm gonna walk away from the situation. I don't want no problems. I don't want no problems. Nobody does. Who wants a problem where it can end up in a terrible way? Come on, this is life we're talking about. Can't play with your life. That's a suicide note, that's a you know, that's a death tag. So it's best for everyone, whoever and whomever is going through anger management issues, to get professional help or just do the things that make you happy, the things that you love to do. Go buy a new pet or something. Go buy a new object, just a video game or anything. That's the way to avoid anger management and comfort. And you know when you get to arguments and fights and you know confrontation. Just walk away from all that.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about unexpected facts about anger that will impress you. Number one anger is not inherently bad. While anger pits in the stomach, the emotion itself is not inherently bad. Men, women and children experience anger differently. Where areas? Children most often feel anger from the perspective of frustration. They can't have what they want when they want it. Adults get angry when they feel out of control.

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Anger itself isn't a bad or even a dangerous thing, but it always needs consideration, consultation and solutions. As with any emotion, understanding why it is felt is the first step to repeating its benefits. So think about it. Number two anger is an emotion with psychological effects, meaning we all understand that the feeling of rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms and burning stomachs. As our muscles tie in and we feel anger, the fight or flight system engages as we decide how to best deal with our anger. So expressing your anger is always the best thing for you in a positive way, like through sports, through motivation, something that motivates you. When anger feeds off itself, your release of anger causes you more damage. Be wary of the cycle that wrecks havoc on your nervous system. So be careful which vein you pop, you know. Yeah, be careful when you're angry. Just be careful. Think before you do Take action.

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Number three one benefit of anger is motivation. Like I said earlier, motivation is the best thing for anger. When we feel that emotion that riles up, we also feel motivated. At first, knowing how best to act is difficult it really is but in time, the emotion of anger can drive us to create something innovative to solve a problem. While we can all relate to anger as a result of injustice or pain, like when a lover cheats or a boss promotes another worker, we don't always realize that stress and taking on too much can cause angry outbursts. The body and mind sometimes works together to tell us we need to cut back at work or find more time to relax. Motivation, or motivating ourselves to enjoy life more and stress less, is one of the best benefits of anger. Like I said before, walk away from it. It's not even worth it. Let them, if they mad, that's on them. What can you do, right? What can you do? Because you don't want to fall into that dark pit Like that's on you, man. Whatever you want to do, whatever, whatever you want like, let him or her just deal with themselves. You just walk away from the problem.

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Number four human can diffuse anger. Humor, correct. Realizing that life is stressful is only the first step. Actually, the realization is more like lacing up with the shoes than even taking that first step. The first step that comes from the understanding that anger is an emotional, that men and women feel differently. An anger does not have to control us.

Speaker 1:

The simple act of laughing act angry. It can all be diffused. So the simple act of laughing at anger can be diffused. For example, comedy. Right, it's not serious, come on, it's just a joke. Learn how to take it in In an argument. One person can defeat the mounting anger with a joke. I mean I wouldn't recommend a stand-up comedy act to diffuse a dangerous hostage situation. But when your coworker can't agree on project, trying to defuse the situation with office antics, you know you can help everyone get focused or confused, it doesn't matter, but pop a joke sometime. You know, just laugh. It's okay to laugh and be like I don't know why I was mad. Right, I don't even know why I was mad. Forget about it.

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Number five uncontrolled anger and angry outbursts are linked to stroke and heart attack. So, like I said, being angry can cause a lot of health problems, a lot of health problems, and I named them all. So Many people, when they're very, very angry, immensely angry, they turn into drugs, alcohol, they abuse all that smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise and all that can affect your health. And that all comes with the effects of anger Giving you at risk, at increased risk, for cardiovascular events, diseases, strokes, heart attack, all the health complications I've named.

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Number 6. People are not always the triggers of anger. When our environment causes stress and frustrations, we experience anger, just as we experience anger with people who cause stress and frustration. People are not always the trigger, unless they are the drivers of unclogged highways contributing to road rage. Noise pollution, such as one living in construction zone would hear, triggers anger and sometimes we don't even realize it, so some type of noise pisses you off. You're onto something which is anger. If you find yourself getting angry and you're not sure why, listen to your environment and recognize whether or not you get enough peace and quiet. Rushing around after kids or running from meeting to meeting in the corporate world can leave you stressed and angry. If you had a hard day, long day at work, you understand why you're frustrated or angry or stressed out. In this condition you aren't angry with anyone, but your environment is making you angry.

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Number 7. A plan for relaxation can combat anger. It can. It really can. It can really focus on relaxation and calming down and you can definitely get the help you need by relaxing In an attempt to benefit from anger. You should plan to relax on a regular basis, take time off for yourself. You know self-care, along with eating well and exercising. Planning time to relax by taking the kids to the park or enjoying the show with a friend can combat anger. We plan as much as we can for work we can for our families and for our futures, our friends. But when we forget to plan to relax, we give rise to anger.

Speaker 1:

Number 8. When you feel the anger emotion, something needs examination Again. Anger itself is not a bad thing. The motivating power of anger can act as an incentive. It can To release pent-up aggression at the gym or in sports, or in a match or in a video game, match, anything in board games. When we first feel that anger, we need to examine it and understand its origin, where it came from. What does the emotion mean? Are we distressed or of our partners? Are we? Is our body need to relax or release tension and stress? Ask yourself these questions.

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9. Aggression is anger in action. Feeling the anger and choosing to take deep breath or choosing to verbally assault a cheating lover is the difference between anger as an emotion and anger in action. Aggression is the one we act on. Our anger and aggression can lead us to jail. Men often feel like showing anger in public or in the workplace is a sign of weakness. Hiding feelings of anger can cause outbursts at home in these situations, except when you feel angry and try to understand its roots, know the origin where it came from 10.

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Anger teaches us about our ability to cope. We all experience anger from time to time and even when we repeatedly feel frustrated and terrible or irritated, our feelings may not indicate anything abnormal. Anger teaches us about ability to cope because we can easily and objectively look at ourselves and answer a few questions. Am I feeling angry Because we feel pressured or rushed and that leads us to anger? Solving the underlining problem in this situation means planning and being more organized. It's all about control. Alright, folks, we just covered the most important topic of the past few weeks and, believe me, we've all been through this situation. We all have.

Speaker 1:

But what can you do? You want to walk away from it, you want to solve the situation or you want to be aggressive? Me, what I recommend is just walking away from it. You know, hey, I'm going to go for a walk, I'm going to go for a drive, I'm going to do something that makes me happy, I'm going to go figure things out. Then we can talk later on. That's the best thing to do. Just walk away from it. It's not worth it. A confrontation is not worth it. An aggressive argument is not worth it. It's not If you're angry and if you do need anger management, please go to a professional.

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I am not a doctor, I'm not a therapist, I'm not a physical or psychological therapist. I am not any of those idols, I'm not. I am just spreading the message that it's important to get professional help. And for those who envy you, who hate you at a hatred and at a jealousy, you know, move forward, ignore them, pass, you know, dust that dirt off your shoulder, that's all, and walk away. That's the best advice I'm going to give you guys is to walk away, find a solution or walk away from it, and if that other person is now willing to become a bigger person, then that's on them In maturity, be the bigger one, be the bigger person and be mature. Walk away from that situation Because, personally, we've all been there and it's not fun.

Speaker 1:

We are live here in Salt Lake City, utah, and I just want to say thank you to the 801. We are on the map, baby. We are on the map. And for those who've been supporting us since we started, thank you so much for being here and still continue to be here and still tuning in. I really appreciate that. Also, if you do need some professional help, I have some resources in the links down below, so go ahead and click on those if you need some resources on anger management. And for those who want some merchandise, yes, our store is available, so there is a link behind beneath us as well. So go ahead and click on those links and grab you some merchandise or get the resources and the help that you need.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, thank you all for tuning in. I really appreciate your time and I really appreciate the support. You have all been great to us and been good to us. You know how we do but, yeah, I really appreciate you all. Thank you so much and I hope that you all learn how to, you know, figure out ways to solve situations and problems. But if you all, if anybody ever needs professional help, please reach out, hit those resources below, hit the links and just see what you can get.

Speaker 1:

But as far as that, if you do want to reach out and talk to us and my me or my staff here call us at age no, hold up 35, that's all. The number 352023620, again 3852023620 reach out here, call us at our office. We will answer each and every single questions you have and, yeah, we really appreciate the time and the support you have all been given us and soon we will be on YouTube doing live videos having some live guests. Everything is still in the works, but we will be there soon and we are excited. We can't wait. But as far as I know, thank you all so much. I hope you all have a wonderful morning, wonderful afternoon, wonderful evening and wonderful night with your friends, family, whoever. Thank you all, have a great one.