Freedom of Happy & Happiness

March 06, 2024 ابراهيم Season 2 Episode 4
Freedom of Happy & Happiness
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Freedom of Happy & Happiness
Mar 06, 2024 Season 2 Episode 4

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Discover the secrets to a longer, happier life and learn how the simple acts of kindness and compassion not only benefit others but can also improve your own mental health and well-being. We're peeling back the layers on the emotional experiences that shape our lives, revealing how a favorable balance of feelings can be the key to resilience and success. You'll find out why joy is infectious, how it spreads through our social networks, and why it's crucial to address mental health challenges for a brighter, healthier future.

In the spirit of generosity, we celebrate the transformative power of giving that goes beyond monetary value – fostering connections, enriching lives, and ultimately leading to shared happiness. We're not just talking about fleeting moments of joy, but about building the skill of happiness that promises a more fulfilling existence. Our discussion is packed with insights and inspiration to help you integrate these practices into your daily life. Remember, happiness isn't just a state of mind; it's a freedom that's within everyone's reach, and we're here to guide you every step of the way. No guests are needed in this episode, as we're diving deep into the heart of what makes us all truly happy.

For more information on happiness & happy click the link below:,than%20those%20who%20are%20not.

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Discover the secrets to a longer, happier life and learn how the simple acts of kindness and compassion not only benefit others but can also improve your own mental health and well-being. We're peeling back the layers on the emotional experiences that shape our lives, revealing how a favorable balance of feelings can be the key to resilience and success. You'll find out why joy is infectious, how it spreads through our social networks, and why it's crucial to address mental health challenges for a brighter, healthier future.

In the spirit of generosity, we celebrate the transformative power of giving that goes beyond monetary value – fostering connections, enriching lives, and ultimately leading to shared happiness. We're not just talking about fleeting moments of joy, but about building the skill of happiness that promises a more fulfilling existence. Our discussion is packed with insights and inspiration to help you integrate these practices into your daily life. Remember, happiness isn't just a state of mind; it's a freedom that's within everyone's reach, and we're here to guide you every step of the way. No guests are needed in this episode, as we're diving deep into the heart of what makes us all truly happy.

For more information on happiness & happy click the link below:,than%20those%20who%20are%20not.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night. Wherever you are and however you are listening, welcome to Fruit Blendus podcast. On today's episode, we will be talking about being happy and happiness. So our emotions affect our long term well-being. Research shows that experiencing positive emotions in a 3 to 1 ratio with negative ones leads to a tripping point, beyond which naturally become more resilient to adversity and better able to achieve things. Happiness is contagious. Our happiness influences the people we know and the people they know. Research shows that the happiness of a close contact increases the chance of being happy by 15%, the happiness of a second degree contact friends, spouse, family by 10% and the happiness of a third degree contact friends of friend of a friend by 6%. So our association with anyone, our relationship with anyone that's what they mean by 6% on a third degree level. Happier people live longer. Happiness doesn't just feel good. Hundreds of students have found compelling evidence that happier people have better overall health and live longer than their less happy peers.

Speaker 1:

Again, these three major topics are immensely important. They are immensely important. Anxiety, depression, pessimism and lack of enjoyment of daily activities have been found to be associated with the higher rates of a disease in shorter life span. If you are someone who is going through anxiety and depression and pessimism, you must get professional help, because depression and anxiety itself can lead to a whole different aspect. We've all discussed or had discussions about these things, where sometimes you don't need to be buying anyone anything to make them happy.

Speaker 1:

You can. What's the magic word? You can give a thanksgiving, a friend's giving, families are giving, spouses are giving. You can always surround yourself with the spirit of giving. Giving is good for you. When we give to others, it activates the areas of the brain associated with the pleasure, social connection and trust. Autistic behavior releases endorphins in the brain and boosts happiness for us as well as the people we help. Studies have shown that giving money away tends to make people happier than spending on themselves.

Speaker 1:

False, false. You don't have to always give money. You don't always have to give charity donations and all that stuff. By spending money, you can always give. And when I say give, your gift has to really mean something to that person. Whether it's clothes that you don't use, shoes that you don't use, it could be a craft, crafts that you made from your own hands, something that you sewed or knitted, or painting or drawing. It could be anything. Giving can mean anything to somebody. You always don't have to spend money. You don't have to spend money at all to make somebody happy. You don't. It's the little things that count.

Speaker 1:

Just remember that Happiness is a skill you can learn. Correct Happiness is a skill. How long can you be happy? Scientifically proven not too long. But Western neuroscience has known and has shown, now confirmed what Eastern wisdom has known for a long time Happiness is a skill we can all learn, all of us, each and every single individual. Happiness is truly a skill.

Speaker 1:

Research shows that happiness, compassion and kindness are the products of skills that can be learned and enhanced through training, thanks to the neuroplasticity of our brains, which means happiness is teachable. You can learn it, it's a skill. Many entertainers, entertainers, many entertainers have taught themselves how to truly be happy. Many people who study medicine, meditation, art have learned how to be happy in front of a crowd, in front of audience. When it's that time to be happy. It's truly a skill.

Speaker 1:

Those who are the happiest tend to live longer than those who are not. Happiness boosts our immune system, which can help us fight and fend off the common cold. Happy people tend to make others happier as well, and vice versa, those who do feel good, they do good. So it's important to try remaining to be a happy person, regardless of the ups and downs. It's good to practice being happy. You can't always be stuck up on the same old, same old. You got to change it up. Shift gears, you know. Be happy, embrace it, embrace life, enjoy it. Happiness is a freedom. Okay, you don't have to pay for it. Happiness is a freedom. Ask yourself this who doesn't want to be happy? Likely no one will raise his or her hand for that one.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure about you, but I spend a lot of time thinking about happiness and it's facts and where it comes from and how. You know we just interact with each other and how happy translates into our everyday life. Some scientific facts about happiness have struck me as a particularly interesting. You know, I mean I've been interested in being happy for so long that it's in me and I can't get it out, and I don't want to get it out. I am a happy person. I've rounded them up for you here and I want to share these experiences with you from my life and how. You know you'll find them intriguing, as I do.

Speaker 1:

I used to always think that people are either the type of you know to be generally happy or are the type to be generally unhappy, and that there was little of the felt that fell, you know, in between. The truth is that there is a whole lot more to emotion of happiness than that. There are so many subtopics to consider that we think of happiness. For instance, there are benefits happiness can have on our bodies. It's true there are also different ways to discuss by which can achieve happiness. Oppositely, there are times of the year that trigger unhappiness and colors that trigger it too.

Speaker 1:

Happiness overall is such a complex notion that it's been studied up and down for years. What does that mean for us? That we're now equipped with plenty of you know, scientific bits of information on happiness that are soundly based in research and not in the human life form. That can help us to all do better on understanding what happy really means and what it means to be happy. So, for those who are listening and tuning in, put a smile on. Put on a smile, grab a seat. Let's talk about all these things on happiness. Being happy doesn't just sound like a pleasant thing. It can be a pleasant thing for our bodies too. Specifically, happiness can help boost our immune systems. We've talked about that. Our brains feel great, our endorphins feel great, our muscles feel great. So doing good for others means doing good for yourself when it comes to happiness. Making others happy, we can make ourselves happy too.

Speaker 1:

Some extent of happiness is inherited. If you're ever assumed happiness is something that's completely in your own control, think again. According to researchers from the University of Minnesota, a portion of your happiness is inherited. I had to deeply get back into that, because I ask myself sometimes why am I happy, regardless of the shit that I'm going through or the things that I'm going through? Why am I happy? Why am I still happy? I don't know. I feel like I've inherited half of the stuff my happiness. I've inherited it from my ancestors, my parents. They're always happy and I've seen them go through so many things, so many things. It's impossible to overcome it, but they are always happy and they always overcome these situations and these difficulties, these problems, and that's what I feel like I have in me. I can always overcome things. I can always climb over that mountain, that hunch. So just remember happiness can be in your genetics. So, if you're always happy, do your research, look up your ancestors. Were they happy. My family were always happy, you know, and every family goes through a lot, but it's good to not feel like you've been defeated, broken, cracked. Don't show it, don't show your emotions when it's going down that path. Always smile, always stay happy, stay consistently happy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, how many people in the audience? How many people like flowers and plants, nature adventures? Okay, now, we all know that flora scents can make us happy, can make you happy. If you like flowers, if you're out there in nature, or if you have a garden or you come across a field of flowers or plants, things that make you happy. Let's say, you find a gentle flower, Okay, wake up and smell the roses. Might not be a bad idea. Smell the fucking roses. Wake up and smell the fucking flowers. It's not a bad idea, it's not. Remember when I told you all that a sunny day is a beautiful day. For those who don't remember, let me freshen up your mind, let me freshen up your memory. Let me freshen it.

Speaker 1:

Bright colors can brighten your day. I tend to wear dark, dull colors a lot and now that I think about it, when I do, I tend to be a little more mopey than I would otherwise feel. And I'm not the only one. I am not the only one. We all know that bright colors go hand in hand with happiness. Ok, that's why they promote it so well, being happy, bright colors always show you to be happy. Ok, red, yellow, orange, blue, green, bright colors are the main reason why most of us are happy every day. That's why kids are always happy in child care centers, in schools, programs and in playgrounds as well. So bright colors can brighten up anybody's day. This is especially true of yellow. Ok, that's why I chose yellow. Always a sunny, happy, beautiful day. Yellow studies have found that yellow is favorite color of happier people and, oppositely, gray was most and is most closely associated with anxiety and depression in the study. So for those who like to wear black gray, tone it down, a bit, try to switch it up.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, remember when I told you that activities count on being happy. For example, being outside can make you happier. Go outside, explore, go outside. Okay, enjoy the outdoors, the water, nature. You know Nature. It's good that you must enjoy nature.

Speaker 1:

If you are a person just sitting there, bitching and moaning, simping, get your lazy ass up and let's fucking go, let's go. Time for you to put that frown upside down, put a smile on your face. It's go time. It's 2024, baby, let's go. You gotta be happy. So I'm saying, if you need more information on being happy, click the link below for more information. And if you want to go out there grab a merchandise, go ahead. From our sponsorships, they'll take care of you. Okay, and I just want to thank each and every single individual who's been tuning in to our podcast and stay one Time for us to go. It's time. It's that time, baby, let's go. So thank you all for your support.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning in to this episode. You know what's up. You know where I'm at. If you do want to talk to me face to face, you schedule a date? Okay, you schedule something, a meeting, we can get it going. Call me, text me At 385-202-3620. Again, 385-202-3620. Call me, shoot me a text. I'm here for y'all. Okay, we need to all do better, make each other better, surround ourselves with better energy, positive energy.

Speaker 1:

Again, this episode is all about being happy. So if you are just sitting there worried about what happened your bills, issues, relationship problems it's time to move past that. You can't change it. You can't just move forward. Things will change as you keep taking steps into the future, but things won't change if you're just sitting there remaining unhappy, because the more you're sad, the more depression, the more deeper hole you'll go into. So let's tune this up, let's tune you up. It's time to be happy. It's time to be a better person, to change. So thank you all for listening. I look forward to seeing all of y'all, hearing from all of y'all on the next episode. Thank you all so much. I appreciate you for your time. Okay, thank you. You are appreciated. You are family, spouse, pets. Everyone has an amazing day. Thank you all. See you on the next episode. Thank you.