Protecting Children: Online Dangers, Kidnapping, Human & Sex Trafficking

May 29, 2024 ابراهيم Season 2 Episode 10
Protecting Children: Online Dangers, Kidnapping, Human & Sex Trafficking
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Protecting Children: Online Dangers, Kidnapping, Human & Sex Trafficking
May 29, 2024 Season 2 Episode 10

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Kidnapping and human trafficking are skyrocketing, and it's more crucial than ever to arm ourselves with the knowledge to protect our loved ones. On this essential episode of the Fruit Blenders Podcast, we break down the staggering reality: kidnappers are raking in over 500 million dollars annually. We'll dissect the various types of these traumatic events, from ransom demands to the terrifying instances of organ harvesting and sexual exploitation. Through this lens, you'll learn how to categorize and recognize different threats, empowering you to take actionable steps toward safety.

But the threat doesn't stop at physical abductions; the digital realm is a new frontier for predators. Online dangers like digital kidnapping are flourishing, with malicious individuals exploiting social media to misuse children's images. Predators are leveraging hashtags like #adoptionRP and #babyRP to create fake identities, posing a serious threat to our children's privacy. We'll highlight the importance of being mindful about what you share online and provide practical tips for safeguarding your family's digital footprint. Being proactive about online safety is no longer an option but a necessity.

To wrap up, we'll emphasize the critical role of constant vigilance and proactive measures in preventing these horrifying crimes. Open conversations with children about their choices and the potential risks they face can be lifesaving. We'll discuss the importance of not only online awareness but also monitoring your physical surroundings and establishing robust security protocols. Lastly, we want to thank our dedicated listeners for their unwavering support; your engagement helps us spread this vital information. Join us on this journey to create a safer world for our children and our future.

For more information on protecting Children Online Dangers, Kidnapping, Human & Sex Trafficking click on the link below:

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Kidnapping and human trafficking are skyrocketing, and it's more crucial than ever to arm ourselves with the knowledge to protect our loved ones. On this essential episode of the Fruit Blenders Podcast, we break down the staggering reality: kidnappers are raking in over 500 million dollars annually. We'll dissect the various types of these traumatic events, from ransom demands to the terrifying instances of organ harvesting and sexual exploitation. Through this lens, you'll learn how to categorize and recognize different threats, empowering you to take actionable steps toward safety.

But the threat doesn't stop at physical abductions; the digital realm is a new frontier for predators. Online dangers like digital kidnapping are flourishing, with malicious individuals exploiting social media to misuse children's images. Predators are leveraging hashtags like #adoptionRP and #babyRP to create fake identities, posing a serious threat to our children's privacy. We'll highlight the importance of being mindful about what you share online and provide practical tips for safeguarding your family's digital footprint. Being proactive about online safety is no longer an option but a necessity.

To wrap up, we'll emphasize the critical role of constant vigilance and proactive measures in preventing these horrifying crimes. Open conversations with children about their choices and the potential risks they face can be lifesaving. We'll discuss the importance of not only online awareness but also monitoring your physical surroundings and establishing robust security protocols. Lastly, we want to thank our dedicated listeners for their unwavering support; your engagement helps us spread this vital information. Join us on this journey to create a safer world for our children and our future.

For more information on protecting Children Online Dangers, Kidnapping, Human & Sex Trafficking click on the link below:

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Speaker 1:

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night. Wherever you are and however you are watching or listening, welcome to Fruit Blenders Podcast. On today's episode, our main topic and subject will be about kidnapping and human trafficking how to protect yourself from these actions. Let's begin. According to International Consulting Firm Control Risks Group, kidnapping is one of the fastest growing and lucrative criminal industries. It is estimated that kidnappers globally accrue more than 500 millions of dollars each year, and this figure is rising. It is it is doubling up. It's crazy. Fueling this corrupt industry is the convergence of continued social unrest and weak global economy. Motivated by profit, kidnappers are adapting their tactics in order to capitalize on this market opportunity. As a result, kidnapping is more prevalent than ever, although data varies, estimates indicate there may have been up to 25,000 kidnappings worldwide in 2016 and present. Now the number has doubled, even more alarming. These figures are repeated, reported every single week, month, year. Kidnappings account for a fraction of the total, because less than 20% of kidnapping intents Are recorded.

Speaker 1:

Before we deep dive into kidnapping and human trafficking, I want to let you all know that there are multiple types of kidnappings, but the major ones. There's four of them. What are the four types of kidnapping? Simple and aggravated kidnapping laws. This is how they operate. This is how they figure out their victims. This is how they make profit from these victims. Number one you hold the victim for ransom. Number two the victim suffers bodily harm or death as a result of the. 3. The victim is under 14 years of age. 4. The victim is kidnapped during a carjacking. But my main concern is the one that says the victim suffers bodily harm or death as a result of the kidnapping. That could mean before and after, so they can come kidnap you and take your for your organs or for sexual favors, or just because they want to hurt you and harm you, which is crazy, which is insane, because that market that's where they make the dough is using you as a donor, using you for sexual favors, using you for body parts. That one is my main concern. Now, what is the highest degree of kidnapping? Kidnappings can be categorized into two degrees first degree and second degree. First degree occurs when certain aggravated factors are present, such as the demand for ransom, the commission of another felony or the victim being held for a substantial period.

Speaker 1:

With that said, I would like to talk about. You know, kidnapping can happen to anybody and we can all become victims someday, god forbid, and we all don't want to be a victim. But the most innocent victims are our kids, and I'm speaking this for everyone. If you have a kid, you know what that's going to be like. You know what that feels like and you don't want to go through that, I know.

Speaker 1:

In this day of age, our kids have tablets, phones, ipods, ipads, computers, pcs, laptops all that right. And our kids, they love to be online. So these criminals, these masterminds, are, like you know, using many ways to attack our kids and tell them hey, to come outside. Or is your mom at home, with your parents at home? What are you doing? Doing tomorrow? How was your weekend Like?

Speaker 1:

You cannot let someone attack your kids on social media or online and this is called digital kidnapping. Again, digital kidnapping. Put that into your head. Your kids and social media privacy matters. Your kids and social media privacy matters. Is your child the next victim of digital kidnapping? We don't want that at all. Have you posted a cute photo of your child on social media lately? Ask yourself that question.

Speaker 1:

Most of us will answer with a resounding yes, and this is the issue. This is a big issue. There's a lot of sexual predators, kidnappers, who, people who are just so sick in the head. There's a lot of pedophiles out there. We need to protect our kids. This is the issue how, how well do you control who else sees and maybe obsesses over your perfect child? There's a lot of jealousy out there, too.

Speaker 1:

People steal kids, kidnap kids, want to take your kids each and every single day. They're always out to get you, even in the hospital when you give birth and your child is in the incubator or in the baby's room and there there's people who are preying on your child. Just because you give them a name, you sign the purchase of kid, don't mean that they can't still take them. You guys hear all these crazy stories online on YouTube. You guys see these things happening like it's normal, but it's just the evil. Digital kidnapping is real. People stealing your child from your social media feed and using his or her for their sick obsessions and I mean sick obsessions. They want to adopt your child. They want to harm your child. They want to use body parts or cut them up. It's just so disgusting. I don't know why they operate like that because they are sick individuals, after all.

Speaker 1:

We love sharing pivotal moments, like when a child learns to walk, masters the big boy, body, big girl, you know body. And they're growing up. And when they first learn how to potty too, when they first say their first words, we celebrate birthday parties. You know all the holidays, events, carnivals we love taking our kids out theme parks, all the celebrations, and when a child wins awards and they graduate, attends prom, and Liz goes on and on. Our kids are a part of our life. Sometimes we wish we had what they are experiencing, because it's like that, as you get older, like, oh my gosh, I wish I had that. And now you provide that, you give that to them. But all that matters is about their safety. And While it's alright to be proud of your child, our children, we need to step back and seriously analyze the information we are sharing with the world about our kids. While it appears innocent to post photos and information, predators and identity thieves love the amount of information we are giving them on silver platter of information we are giving them on silver platter okay, on a silver platter. They love that. They're eyeing, they're preying on us.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment and consider the fact that, by the time a child turns to, 90% of toddlers already have a social media presence? Oh, they do. They do. My niece knows how to work. My nephew knows how to work these gadgets, social media. It's crazy. Kids learn fast nowadays. Our kids are 10 times smarter than us nowadays. Don't think your child is stupid. No child is stupid. All these kids nowadays. They are too smart and they have a smart mouth too. Our kids are advancing, advancing, and it's not because they are joining Snapchat or Facebook in droves. Our kids can't even read or write their own names yet and yet we are the ones creating their digital footprint without approval or consent, without approval or consent At times, without regard for how really nasty people use photos of our kids for horrible things Horrible, I mean.

Speaker 1:

I think everyone has seen that incident with that one TikTok child, where you know she was eating a pickle or something like that by the pool or something. And these people who have weird fetishes, these, these predators who have weird fetishes, are like watching this little girl, this little child, and her mother was okay with it, saying that she was saying a lot of things. We don't need to get to that level. We don't. We can't like, let our kids eat certain things on video, wear certain things on video or on photo and we put it out there on social media. It's not okay. There's a lot of predators and people who prey on them who love things like that for free. You know. They can just screenshot screen record. They have a lot of ways to get these footages and photos and download them into their own you know chips. So we need to be careful.

Speaker 1:

The case for a child's web privacy. We all understand the need to keep our personal information private. To avoid compromising photos on social media, we do. However, when it comes to our kids, we often overlook these basic digital safety precautions. Skip, skip, skip. That's what we're doing sometimes and we need to pause and think about it before we post a child. We post photos of our kids in their school uniforms, where they attend daycare, broadcast, what parks we enjoy visiting, their birthdays, full names, and our devices even check in our physical locations on a regular basis. So if you're going to go live, post a pic. Make sure the name is not in the background. There's no photos in the background or like a name tag. Move like a CIA API agent, you know.

Speaker 1:

Protect yourself and identity and even if you take a picture or video, keep that for the. You know, keep that for the memories. Everyone does not have to see it. I always do that. I mean I take a picture with my friend's family and not everyone has to always see it. You know, our kids don't need to be seen. Our family members don't need to be seen. Our friends don't need to be seen. Our family members don't need to be seen. Our friends don't need to be seen.

Speaker 1:

We can keep these things private on our devices and just keep them for the memories and send them to our friends and if they want to share it, that's OK. But you know, make sure they don't tag us like that or put our location or where we were at what we were doing. We don't need these things. Just promote business, promote, you know, positive energy. Don't promote your whole information online, your full information. Don't Even the things you acquire, achieve, you buy. Don't post it all online. Not everyone is grateful, not everyone is thoughtful of you. Not everyone likes good things to happen to you.

Speaker 1:

One drawback to all this correctively and connectivity is that predators can easily target and track our children simply by monitoring our social media activity. That's true. I mean, if you're by the pool, you're at the beach, you're going to a birthday party or a friend's house, grandma's house? Oh, you know, we live over here in North Connecticut or we're here by this Stansbury. You know ocean or lake, or Stop. Don't this um stansberry. You know ocean or lake, or stop. Don't describe your location or activities. Keep it private. Just post a picture. Don't tag nobody. Don't post any locations, even Even if you're going live. Don't mention the location. And sometimes our devices can upload the location by itself. So that's why I watch what I post, so you should be able to watch what you post as well. Don't forget to disable your location at all times. Don't forget, because our devices are naturally tracking us, where we're at, what we're doing. And these cell towers, let me tell you, these cell towers are geniuses. They work in everyone's favor, even the law enforcement, even these criminals, these predators.

Speaker 1:

To put this in a perspective way, or to put this in perspective way a kid's privacy matters. So Kids for Privacy campaign needs to start heavily. A Kids for Privacy campaign has recently garnered a lot of attention and is hoping to raise enough awareness so we understand our kids have a right to digital privacy. This organization's purpose is to inform parents that pedophiles and child predators are searching through hashtags to find images of our boys and girls. Those potty training and bath time might make it easier to sort and share, but for the wrong crowd these filters make it easier than ever to access images of children and no parents want their child to become a victim. It's also important to note the precious images of our children can digitally be kidnapped. This trend involves people taking photos of your child, of young children from strangers profile and then fiend repost them. These fiends are addicted to them. They repost these pictures. Remember that these fiends repost these pictures claiming the children as their own sons and daughters.

Speaker 1:

That's what I mean by be careful of what you post about your kids. Be careful of what hospitals you're taking your kids, what schools, daycare centers, rec centers, theme parks. Please protect your child. As a father and a mother, make sure you do your best to protect your child. I don't care if you're, if it's your child's birthday today, how old they are, where they live, where they go to school, daycare, I don't care. What I want you to do right now is to stop posting those pictures and sharing that information.

Speaker 1:

Not everyone has to know about your child and their only reason why I say that is because not everyone is happy for you. They can use your child against you and that works in a lot of people's favors. A lot of people use children as a weapon. So, with that said, be careful of who you bring your kids around as well. They can tell your kids the wrong information. They can tell them anything. Hey, I'm your real father. Hey, I'm your real mother. That right there is not your father or your mother. I'm your real family. Come with me, let's go. I got, I got treats. I got snacks. What do you want? I got it for you. I can provide that for you. But in the back of their head, they are sickos. They are sick. You should never, ever, claim someone else's kids. But these sickos don't get that. But hey, if you're a stepfather, if you're a stepmother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, that that's family, that's family basis. You adopted somebody, you took them in, or you claim them as one of your own and um, it just like it's just a lot on the plate. But family is different, friends are different, but what we need to do is protect our kids from online predators.

Speaker 1:

Digital kidnapping is when a stranger steals a minor's photo or video from the internet and posts the photo or video as if it was their own. They then post these photos and videos across their social media accounts and reveal in the likes and comments they receive. They love it. Oh, cute grandchild, oh, is that your little nephew or niece? That's so cute. But in the background, that's not even their kids. But their friends on social media are like whoa, I didn't know you had a daughter, I didn't know you had a son. Who's that? Is that little Michael? You know? Is that little Shelly? They are craving, they are, they love validation. That's the key word is validation, and they want that because they were never, ever, never, ever be parents. They maybe lost their kids. They may be their, their pedophiles. They are predators who are not allowed to be near kids.

Speaker 1:

So they take your profile pictures and your family photos and your kids videos and post them as if it was their own. There are even a set of social media hashtags that can accompany such pictures media hashtags that can accompany such pictures, indicating to viewers that the poster is role playing and creating a false life, a false life outside of their real world. These hashtags may include adoption rp, orphan rp and baby rp. So they're using these words to hide behind what they're really doing when they take a picture of your child. I'm going to explain this into in the most clearest way. When they take a picture or a video of your child and they repost it, they add these hashtags Hashtag adoption RP. Hashtag orphan RP. Hashtag baby RP, or hashtag I'm babysitting RP. You see what I mean now. They try to act like they're a family or connected to your kid in some sort of a way or trying to play a role as a grandpa, father, uncle, mother, grandma. They are trying to play a role, but they're sick, they're obsessed. They are obsessed with your child, with your child. So stop posting your kids' videos and pictures and protect yourself on social media. Protect you, your family and your children on social media. Personally, as a father, as a mother. Take that and consider it and play your role. Protect your kids.

Speaker 1:

Human trafficking is the largest and most profitable Profitable it is. You are all aware of social media. You guys are all aware of social media. You guys are all aware of the news. Everything that goes down is coming to life and it's true. We are losing friends left and right, family members left and right, kids left and right. So it only takes a blink of an eye to lose someone, amber alerts. We see these things. These are real. This is for real. So if you're not woke, wake up now and protect what's in front of you.

Speaker 1:

Human trafficking let's get into it. Human trafficking is the trade of humans for purposes and for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery or commercial sexual exploitation. Who is the biggest victim of human trafficking trafficking? In addition to Native Americans? The Office of Victims of Crime identified the most vulnerable populations for human trafficking as straight people, lesbian people, bisexual people, gay people, transgender people and queer people, the LGBTQ community, plus individuals, persons with disabilities, undocumented immigrants, runaways and homeless, youth and low-income individuals. That's who the victims are. That's who the victims are. That's who the victims are.

Speaker 1:

But at the end of the day, we can't just look at that list and group of people to be victims. Look at yourself, look at yourself in the mirror, look at your friends, your family members. Look at your children, look at, look at them. That's who can become a victim. You can become a victim no matter what race, religion, background, whatever you are. You can become a victim. They are watching. They are watching. They want you to become their next victim. So please protect yourself. Be ready. No matter what age you are, no matter what race, color, religion, background does. People don't care about you, they care about their profits.

Speaker 1:

With that said, protect your family, your kids, your pets, children, at all cost. Protect everyone around you, and as a parent. As a parent, you should already have that mindset of protecting your children. They come first, so get forget about what you got going on. Forget about what you're doing for work, career, for a living. Forget about where you live, how much security you have, it doesn't matter. Your mindset should be focused on protecting your children. Protect them at all cost, because these predators don't care, and that's what they want. Watch how your kids dress, watch how they go out, watch where they're going.

Speaker 1:

I know it could be a little, you know, rough on him or, you know, be strict on him and stuff like that, but at the end of the day, they still need advice and if I were you, I'd give them the most smartest advice, which is hey, if you do this, this is the outcome. If you don't move like this, this is the outcome. If you don't move like this, this is the outcome. If you don't. You know, if you're gonna wear clothes like this, this is the outcome. If you're gonna you know, do these activities, this is the outcome as a parent, always remind them of that. Don't bash them for what they're wearing, what they're, what they're eating, what they're consuming, what they're about to do or done, going out with friends, whatever. Don't bash them for that. Just tell them hey, if you're going to do this, this is the outcome, this is the outcome of it. That's all they need to be reminded. And then, next thing you know, they might have second thoughts about that.

Speaker 1:

So, as a parent, you should be the vocal point, you should be the person, you should be a speaker, you should be the motivator. Be real with them. Sit down with your kids, have that little pep talk. It's important. Just tell them the truth. Don't bash them for what they're going to do or what they will do. Just tell them the truth. That's all they need, and then they might listen and they will listen. I promise you that, because that's how I talk to my kids, that's how I talk to my family, that's how I talk to my parents. So you should be able to say that, to say like that that's how I talk to my kids. Talk to your kids that way, talk to your family members that way and friends that way. Hey, if we do this, this is the outcome. This is the outcome.

Speaker 1:

As a parent, your mindset should always be how do I protect my children? That one chip in the back of your brain should always say protect the children, let's protect our kids. So don't be too strict, just be protective, that's all. Let them know the truth, tell them the truth, sit down with them, have a pep talk and make sure they surround themselves with good energy. Because when is it going to end? The answer is. The true answer to that is never.

Speaker 1:

We will never stop becoming victims in human trafficking and kidnapping. We will never stop becoming victims. So, to avoid that, protect your children at all costs. Because children, why protect the children? They are the future, they are your DNA, they are, they carry the torch. They carry the torch. They carry the torch. They are the next you, for generations to come. They carry the bloodline, they carry the DNA. So, protect your children at all cost.

Speaker 1:

We don't want no more body bags. We don't want no more boxes. We don't want no more outskirted rural graves, grave sites. We don't want any of that. Let's Seriously, let's Seriously, let's Avoid the risk. Let's avoid all that. Let's avoid becoming victims.

Speaker 1:

So protect yourself online. Protect your family online. Protect each and every single individual online and in person. Watch your surroundings when you walk into your car. Have cameras set up. Be ready for everything. Be ready for anything. Keep one on you, keep one on you. Keep one on you. Keep one on you. Look at your peripheral view. Always look at your surroundings. Know where you're at at all times. Move like an FBI, cia agent, you know. Move private.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, I just want to say thank you all for listening and tuning in. I really appreciate your support. We came a long way. You guys made sure I came a long way and I appreciate you for taking your time out of your day, night, evening, whatever you're doing, wherever you're at. Thank you for taking your time. I appreciate it. If you want more information on trafficking and human uh, human trafficking and kidnapping, there will be a link below it. If you want more information on trafficking and human trafficking and kidnapping, there will be a link below, and if you want some merchandise, there will be a link as well. So thank you for tuning in. I appreciate you. I know this episode was long, but it had to be. It's an important subject. So thank you for tuning in. I will see you all on the next podcast episode. Thank you and I love you guys. Thank you all on the next podcast episode. Thank you and I love you guys. Thank you all, have a good one, thank you.

Child Web Privacy and Online Safety
Protecting Kids From Online Predators
Protecting Children From Predators
Thanking Fans for Support