Insecurities: Causes, Types, and Overcoming Barriers

September 09, 2024 β€’ Ψ§Ψ¨Ψ±Ψ§Ω‡ΩŠΩ… β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 17

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Can insecurity be holding you back from achieving your personal goals and building strong relationships? Join us on this introspective episode of the Fruitblenderz Podcast, where we dissect the many facets of insecurity. We begin by defining insecurity as a pervasive feeling of inadequacy and doubt that can impact every part of our lives. You'll gain insights into the root causes, whether they're from past trauma, societal pressures, or even brain chemistry. We delve into various types of insecurity, such as those stemming from relationships, work, body image, and social environments. By recognizing symptoms like jealousy, perfectionism, and avoidance of intimacy, we can start to manage our own insecurities and offer better support to those around us.

Our conversation takes a turn to the subtleties of self-presentation in relationships. We explore how both partners can sometimes feel possessive or insecure about each other's attire, and the importance of mutual respect and confidence in maintaining healthy dynamics. Discover the balance between dressing for different occasions and respecting your partner's feelings without compromising your own. Wrapping up, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our listeners and provide additional resources and merchandise information to help you further on your journey to overcoming insecurity. Don't miss out on this enriching discussion that aims to build your confidence and strengthen your relationships.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night. Wherever you are and however you are watching or listening, welcome to Fruit Plenters Podcast. On today's episode, our main topic and subject is insecurity. What is insecurity? Insecurity is a feeling of inadequacy, not being good enough and uncertainty. It produces anxiety about your goals, relationships and ability to handle certain situations. And ability to handle certain situations.

Speaker 1:

We all know everyone feels a little unsure at times. As humans, we constantly think and some of our thoughts can be filled with doubt. I mean a lot of doubt. This can lead to the thoughts of insecurity. Too much insecurity can lead to thoughts of insecurity that lead to other problems In relationships and in your everyday life. However, there are ways you can work through your insecure thoughts and live life more confidently.

Speaker 1:

Everybody deals with insecurity from time to time. It can appear in all areas of life and come from a variety of causes. It might stem from a traumatic event, Patterns of previous experience, social conditioning Patterns of previous experience, social conditioning, learning rules by observing others, or local environments such as school, work or home. It can also stem from general instability. People who experience unpredictable upsets in daily life are more likely to feel insecure about ordinary resources and routines. On the other hand, insecurity can have no definite external cause. Instead, it can appear as a quark of personality or brain chemistry. Understanding the nature of insecurities can help you manage your own and offer others the support they need. Now let's discuss the types of insecurity. There are almost limitless areas of potential insecurity. Moreover, insecurity often bleeds over from one area of life into another. However, there are some types of insecurity that appear frequently. Let's talk about relationship insecurity, one of the most kinds of early childhood to later relationship patterns and expectations when a child's attachment figures often parents, a negative self-image and relationship models, and experiences greater emotional distress, maladjustments later in life. Relationship or attachment insecurities don't need to begin in early childhood. They can arise wherever previous experience or personal insecurity undermines someone's security in their coolest relationships.

Speaker 1:

Job Insecurity Job insecurity occurs when you are anxious about your continued employment or about the continuation of certain benefits attached to your employment. It can be triggered by anxiety over your own job performance or anxiety over factors beyond your control, such as the economy, industry trends, workplace conflicts or the danger of company restructuring failure. High rates of unemployment and temporary work increase job insecurities on a national scale and contribute to widespread mental health problems. This is serious. Now let's discuss the most important part of this topic Body Image Insecurity. Body Image Insecurity.

Speaker 1:

A common source of insecurity is body image. Many people feel insecure about the way they look and question whether they measure up to an imposed ideal. There is no necessary connection between actual body health or appearance and body insecurity. People of all body types can experience this type of insecurity. Everyone, even the ones who are in the best shape. The other part of insecurity is social insecurity anxiety. Another common type of insecurity surrounds the way we are perceived by our peers and the ease with which we interact with them. This insecurity can be a reoccurring low-level problem or can blossom into full-blown social anxiety disorder or social phobia. Okay, we are about to get into the most interesting parts of this subject. Let's discuss what type of insecurities there are. The major insecurities I should say.

Speaker 1:

Number one jealousy. Jealousy is an insecurity in a relationship comes when one partner feels inferior to the other and thinks they might lose them. Jealousy is a common action in any relationship or life, just generally in life, avoiding eye contact, whether it's pulling on your shirt collar, like I do, psych, I don't avoiding eye contact or something else. Your nervous habits scream to the others that you're feeling anxious. Constantly seeking reassurance. Constantly seeking reassurance is one of the other common signs of insecurity is constantly seeking reassurance from your partner. Hey, am I good? Hey, did I do it right? Hey, how'd I do? That's constantly seeking reassurance. That's constantly seeking reassurance. Number four trust issues. Trust issues when you do not feel secure in your relationship, it might affect the foundation of your relationship as well. Number 5. Avoidance of Intimacy. That is, emotional or physical. Intimacy can become daunting for those grappling with insecurity, leading to avoidance. This is a barrier often divided into two individuals who are intimate in a relationship but don't want intimacy. Number six controlling. Controlling is people who do not feel secure in their relationships will showcase controlling behavior in their relationships and even in their lives.

Speaker 1:

Defensiveness. Defensiveness is if you react defensively to jokes or small slights, it signals you're not comfortable with yourself. Offensively to jokes or small slights, it signals you're not comfortable with yourself. When you're insecure, it can feel like you're being attacked. Overconfidence, insecure brain types of finding difficult to accept criticism and correction. This stems from fear of failure and insecurity.

Speaker 1:

Excessive positivity is body image. Insecurity often focuses on weight, hair, skin or a specific body part's size or shape. If you're experiencing this, this means that you are not confident within yourself. So accept your body for who you are and accept yourself for who you are. Poor self-esteem this is negative self-talk. Our thoughts have profound impact on our feelings and actions. Insecure individuals often engage in negative self-talk. This is people who speak to themselves more positively, challenge their negative self-talk, stay focused on the future and find good things in the world around them.

Speaker 1:

Professionism they chase Professionism. They pretend to be Nice in front of everyone, so to be likable, but behind your back it's a gossip city. They are ass Kissing people. Gossip city they are ass kissing people Apologizing Excessively.

Speaker 1:

A person with low self-esteem feels that if they make mistakes, they will be exposed to the prejudice of others. They care a lot I would say excessively about their job, their role, their position or their selves. That they will apologize for everything they do Wrong. Approval seeking Approval seeking is someone who seeks approval. By the same token, insecure people are constantly seeking the approval of others. May I do this, may I do that. Can I do this? Can I do that? Please? I do that, please, please, please again. This happens because they don't feel secure. They don't feel security within themselves, cannot handle criticism. These are people who can't handle criticism. Insecurity can amplify the impact of criticism or feedback, leading to the overreactions. What may be intended as a constructive advice can be perceived as an attack from these people who cannot handle criticism, from these people who cannot handle criticism.

Speaker 1:

Excessive comparison Insecurity is physical and emotional. Excessive suspicion of the most calm person with like a wide smile and an enthusiastic hi is a good sign. But the tendency they have, the tendency to compare oneself or their relationship to others is a sign of insecurity. This comparison can diminish self-esteem and satisfaction within the relationship. Within the relationship, a shy, withdrawn temperament, a lack of emotional support from close friends and families has a shy or withdrawn temperament. It starts from childhood Experiences with parents and caregivers.

Speaker 1:

Your kids will be shy or insecure around a lot of people because they don't feel the confidence within themselves Okay, comparing themselves to others. This results in anxiety and vigilance around social status and performance. They have to keep comparing themselves to others. Oh yeah, I can ball like Michael Jordan. Oh yeah, I can dunk like LeBron. They always tend to compare themselves to somebody else to make sure they are measuring up to their status, difficulty accepting compliments. An insecure person may have trouble making eye contact and giving or accepting compliments. They might apologize frequently when there is no need to or make a scene. Difficulty making fast decisions. Difficulty making fast decisions Consistently over committing due to difficulty setting boundaries and saying no. That's because they are experiencing anxiety about relationships and having trouble making fast decisions Like saying no or stop or hey, I can't do this tonight, I gotta go. They can't make a decision for themselves.

Speaker 1:

Emotional intelligence A lack of emotional support from close friends and family causes you to be shy or withdraw temperament. Okay, okay, and you don't want to be shy when you have the right answers to anything or everything. If you're a smart person, let it be known that you're smart and you're intelligent, okay. Fear of abandonment, fear of Abandonment those who struggle with abandonment issues have persistent fear of rejection or isolation. Fear of abandonment comes from insecurity. That often breeds a pervasive fear of abandonment. People Abandoned people and it sucks because they have to go through that. They don't want to be abandoned Like a dog, a child, a friend, a partner, a parent, anyone. He craves validation. She craves validation.

Speaker 1:

A man or a woman who is insecure about his or her friends will be unreliable in various ways in order to make them feel on edge or unsettled. Insecure person may rely heavily on their partner for validation, looking to them to define their self-worth. This over-dependence can strain the relationship. To pick up a few red flags that don't add up at all Lack of family emotional support A lack of emotional support from close friends and family can damage the experience in life. If you don't have any support from your family and friends, that means they have failed you. They have failed you, Okay.

Speaker 1:

Lack of social life and the lack of being independent in the social life. Lack of independent social life is when two people are together for most part of the time. A little space and alone time is a must to get a break. This says that insecurity involves a lack of confidence, anxiety and uncertainty. So if you want to live an independent life, let it be known, okay.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, being insecure goes a long way. We all feel insecure sometimes. All of us go through this. I went through it, yes, I did. And the most part that hurts Is when you're in a relationship and you're insecure about something and you don't want to get it out there, you don't want to say it to your partner or whatnot. But hey, we all feel jealousy sometimes. We all feel jealous. Let's be honest here. I've been jealous multiple times just cuz, you know, I'm selfish. I would like someone to be all myself, just mine. Nobody else is just mine. And on top of that it's like if our partners are doing something that pisses us off or makes us really, really angry and mad, then that means we are insecure at that point. But there's a few different type of people who are insecure. Are you insecure for a very long period of time, or are you insecure just for that moment and you let it go? Because I'm going to let it go? I'm the type of dude that's just going to let it go. Hey, whatever, that's what you want, you did it, I don't care. Whatever, let it go.

Speaker 1:

Because us men and you women sometimes feel like, hey, we overdress, sometimes we're showing off. Shoulders are out, muscles are out, guns are out. You know we are showing off and you females skirts, blouse, this and that, tights, leggings. You know we are showing off and you females skirts, blouse, this and that, tights, leggings, whatever you are showing, your, you are out there. You're like look at me.

Speaker 1:

But let me tell you something that makes us guys mad, because you're my girl. Why are you dressed like that, outside of the relationship? You know I mean. Like why? Why? Why are you dressed like that, outside of the relationship? You know what I mean. Like why are you going out like that? But then, at the end of the day, it depends what you guys are doing. What kind of activities Are you guys going to the gym? Because if it's the gym, that's okay, but if it's like Just a regular meet and greet or going this and there, then like what's classy, dress how you're supposed to dress on any occasion, but don't make it awkward. Same goes for us man, let's not make it awkward. Okay, we're going to the gym together. Let's dress Jim, let's dress fit. But if it's a nice date, yes, come correct, dress classy.

Speaker 1:

But there's a lot of people who are disrespectful. Let's be honest here. They are very disrespectful. They will dress the way they want to dress, right in front of you, and they don't care who sees the goodies. They don't. I mind it. If you're my girl, I know I'm clingy and selfish, but if you're my girl and we're just doing something regular, we're going to dress to the occasion. But if it ain't the occasion, then hey, walk away because I'm, then hey, walk away, because I'm not going to deal with that. Walk away, because who else are you trying to show up for?

Speaker 1:

You feel me, that's my insecurity. I know a lot of guys have that. Let's be honest here, we all have that, and same for women. They don't want us guys to show our guns, sometimes our chest out, you know, arms out, bam biceps. They don't want that. They don't want other females to look at us be like, oh my god, that's my man, you know, but we all understand that these are just little insecurities.

Speaker 1:

Don't hold them for a long time, though, but we should all be careful with the people who are doing things on purpose, especially Both gender, male and females. Let's be careful With who keeps Attempting these dangerous stunts, dressing so Inappropriate. I can't be around the type of person. Why are you trying to show all that stuff out? Those are my goodies, those are for be around? The type of person Like why are you trying to show all that stuff out Like those are my goodies, those are for the house, and us men dress appropriate, unless your woman is like hey, you know your John is out, or you know, like, your Jimmy is out, let's close it, let's cover it. Your biceps are out, let's cover it, you know.

Speaker 1:

And woman, respect your men. That's what half of you women are missing. Y'all be doing things on purpose, on purpose, and it sucks because you know what you're doing Trying to get attention, trying to get the eyes Like who else you trying to show off for, like girl, hold up, back up. So have respect for yourself, woman, because if you don't respect yourself first, then nobody will. That's why you will be called the b word. You will be called that if you don't respect yourself first. And then you wonder why they call you that, why they called me that, why did he call me that? Because it starts from you.

Speaker 1:

Respect your body, respect yourself first, because relationships go a long way when it comes to being insecure. Okay, and men, let's have some self-confidence. Okay, be broad, all right, have some confidence. Smell the flowers. Dress like a gentleman, carry the team, carry your wife, carry your partner, carry your girlfriend. Step up to the plate, be respectful.

Speaker 1:

So, within relationships, respect each other. Okay, respect each other. That's what it comes from. And hey, let's say you're one of those people who are struggling to. You know, get a job, you know what? Wake up, smell the flowers. Wake up, because if you don't have confidence within yourself, who else is going to believe in you? Ask yourself that, who else will believe in me? Nobody else will. So it's up to you to get the party started. You got to begin that first. Alright. Now, woman, when it comes to you know a relationship, you want to make sure everything is going the way you want it to go, but that doesn't happen until you respect your man, so it comes from both of you. All right.

Speaker 1:

For those who are struggling to make some friends and be social, you got to start talking to somebody. Start from practicing with a family member, then a friend, a pet. Talk to a pet. Talk to a stuffed animal, a pillow, a therapist, somebody in the professional field of social working. Talk to them. Get some help. Join a few groups in social media, join a gaming group or something. Talk to somebody.

Speaker 1:

Always have confidence within yourself. Don't be insecure. All right, do not be insecure. So Remember, insecurity is a big thing. Ok, it's a big thing. So it begins from you. Let's not get jealous over somebody. Let's not control somebody's life. Let them do what they want to do. Let them live their life. If you can't handle that, walk away. Let them walk away. You can't just control someone's life. Let them walk away. You can't just control someone's life.

Speaker 1:

And most of us men in our early ages, where we were so young, understanding relationships and how people work and how women want to be treated, we did not know what we were doing. Let's be honest here. We did not know what we were doing. We wanted to be in control, right, yeah, most of you men are still in controlling. I've been there before. I tried to control my partner, but it didn't work out because I was just young and dumb. But now we have time to fix it. Then fix it. If not, then move on to somebody who's the right person for you and don't control that person either and don't let that person control you. Remember that. So let's and don't let that person control you. Remember that. So let's be confident within ourselves. Let's respect ourselves.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, I'm going to end the episode here. I just want to say thank you all for supporting me. I appreciate the support my new subscribers, my new tuner, my new people who are tuning in. Thank you all so much. Okay, and if you do want more information on insecurity, there will be a link below and merchandise link below as well. Thank you, I'll see you next podcast episode. Thank you.