Starting Fresh in Life

August 05, 2024 β€’ Ψ§Ψ¨Ψ±Ψ§Ω‡ΩŠΩ… β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 16

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What if you could truly start over and unlock the potential for a better future? On this episode of the Fruitblenderz Podcast, we explore the trans-formative power of starting fresh. We'll walk you through the crucial steps of self-reflection, reexamining your core values, and rewriting your goals to pave the way for significant life changes. Learn why forgivenessβ€”both of yourself and othersβ€”is a cornerstone in the journey of letting go of past regrets and embracing new beginnings. By focusing on what you can change, you'll find renewed motivation and a clearer path to achieving your dreams.

Feeling stuck or dissatisfied with your current circumstances? This episode emphasizes the importance of positive thinking, altering daily habits, and stepping out of your comfort zone to create lasting change. Discover strategies for reframing negative thoughts and finding joy in taking responsibility for your happiness. We'll also discuss the impact of your social circle, guiding you on how to surround yourself with supportive, positive influences while eliminating negativity. If you're ready to take bold steps toward a more fulfilling life, this conversation will inspire you to make the changes that lead to a successful and happy future.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night. Wherever you are and however you are watching or listening, welcome to Fruit Blenders Podcast. On today's episode, our main topic and subject is starting a new life, starting fresh. Let's begin Starting fresh. Let's begin Changing your life and starting over.

Speaker 1:

All over can feel daunting, but it's never and it's not too late. So you ask yourself what are the benefits of starting a new life? Well, fresh starts have a number of benefits. They can help you move on from past regrets, overcome patterns of reminiscence, reframe your goals and find fresh motivation. So you wake up and ask yourself how do I start a fresh life? How do I start fresh in life? How do I start over in life? How do I start over in life?

Speaker 1:

Well, start with reflection. Mirror yourself. Who do you see yourself in that mirror, in that reflection? Examine your value system. What do you value most in life? Whether it also forget to revisit and rewrite your goals.

Speaker 1:

Work up the courage to change. What will you change in your life? Who will you have in your new life? Is it by yourself? Is it with somebody? Is it somewhere new? Where do you begin? But revisit that. Revisit your goals. Work up the courage to change. Make your next move, whether it's moving somewhere, meeting somebody new, focusing on your goal or attacking what you've been looking for. Attack it. Get yourself a coach, a life coach, someone who can always be on your neck pushing you to do better every single day. First and foremost, just remember, keep checking in on yourself. Don't forget about yourself. Who brought you there? You did, you had the courage to change. You wrote your goals. You want to attack your goals and complete your goals. Okay, but let's not forget where this all begins.

Speaker 1:

We all believe in the power of a fresh start and fresh beginnings. Deep down, we know that it's possible to create space for new and better things until we let go of things that weigh us down. Yet starting over is one of the hardest things to do. I mean, how often have you woken up feeling exhausted or weighed down by something that happened the previous day? I mean how often, or in some cases, by things that happened the weeks before or the month before, or even years ago? We want to believe that there isn't anything that we hold against anyone, that we are living in the present moment Completely free of our past, but often the truth remains that we are what our past experiences and life events have made us to be Hence by default. Some of our past always lives in us. Nevertheless, there are many times when we just have to start over after a setback at work or in personal life. We need to start over, even after a bad, unproductive week. We need to start over, even if we just got out of a relationship. We need to start over, even if we lost a loved one. Life has many things to offer, but yet comes with so much to lose.

Speaker 1:

Why were drawn to starting fresh in life? Why are we? I mean, just think about it. Everybody wants to start all over in life, but we all forget that someone can always stop us from starting over in life, whether it's a family member, a friend, a previous you know ex, a previous partner. Sometimes people envy you. They start to hate you. They don't want you to gain anything, anything new in life. So be careful with that. Yet, on top of that, we all forget.

Speaker 1:

In order, in order to begin a new life and start fresh, you must leave the past behind. Leave it all behind. Good and bad things have happened and there is nothing you can do about it. Just leave it behind. It doesn't matter. It's in the past, yeah, but it still hurts. Oh, yes, the past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.

Speaker 1:

So you ask yourself why is it that someone, some people, go through life feeling frustrated and stuck, while others are able to make massive positive changes, no matter what the universe throws at them? Why do some people become angry, bitter and spiteful after adversity, but others grow more resilient, compassionate and determined? Part of the answer lies in the ability to leave the past behind. While many people fixate on the past, others successfully move on from difficult experiences. These people understand that they can't change the past, but they can work towards a better future. They commit to focusing on what they can change rather than what's already occurred.

Speaker 1:

Let's get started on the fun part. Let's get started on the tips, on some of the tips Of how to leave the past behind that will drastically improve your life. Let's begin. How do you do it? Well, number one is to forgive yourself and others. Forgive them. Are you holding on to something from your past and it's preventing you from living a better future? Are you? Well, the truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over and you cannot move forward. That's a quote. No matter what mistakes you've made in the past, you won't be able to move ahead unless you forgive yourself and let go. Focus on the future and how you'll use your passions and talent to serve the world, rather than wasting time and energy dwelling on the mistake you've made and who has hurt you. Regardless of what you've been through in life, you can always work on making your future better.

Speaker 1:

Number two reframe your thoughts. Reframe your thoughts from negative to positive. For example, saying my last relationship ended so badly that I'll never trust anybody again Dwells on the negative To focus on the positive. You could reframe it too. My last relationship had a rough ending, but I'll work on loving myself and learning how to trust others again so I can have a healthy relationship. Always reframe your thoughts. Reframe everything. Reframe your thoughts, reframe everything. When you work on taking control of your thoughts and accept that you're responsible for your own happiness, your life will greatly improve. Just take responsibility and accountability for your own happiness.

Speaker 1:

Number three Change your daily habits. Have you felt stuck year after year and want to ditch your past for a better lifestyle. Have you? Try working on your daily habits? Doing what you've always done in the past will likely continue to bring you the same results in the future. If you want to move on from your past and have different outcomes in the future, you'll need to put significant effort into changing how you do things. Find a new hobby, find a new sport Okay. Find better habits. Find healthier choices, make healthier choices, find a new diet and your mindset all at once. The goal is to simply be healthier, and being healthier is just a positive start.

Speaker 1:

Number four get out of your comfort zone. Get out, I mean get out Like get out. If you don't get out of your comfort zone, you'll never leave the past behind. If you want to leave the past behind, the best way to do it is to make your life better than what it was in the past, and the best way to do that is to take regular steps out of your comfort zone. Commit to pushing past your fears and trying new things. It's essential. It's essential for growth.

Speaker 1:

It is number five build an amazing tribe. You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you want to create a different future a different future. Consider who you spend the most time you're with. Are these people building you up? Are they encouraging you and supporting you to do your best in life or to be your best in life, or are they usually negative and pessimistic people? Pessimistic people are people who always expect the worst of the worst. A pessimistic person or their attitude isn't very hopeful. It shows little optimisms and can be a downer for everyone else. To be pessimistic means you believe evil outweighs the good and the bad things are more likely to happen. These are basically negative people around you. The negative energy. Keep them away from you. You, the negative energy, keep them away from you.

Speaker 1:

So, in order to start fresh, you must be ready to be dedicated and you must not give up. You must not give up. Okay, never, ever give up. You have to think about your life. So here are some indications that you need to start a new life. You have been thinking about how your life used to be, or how you would like it to be, and feel helpless over how it is at the moment. You feel like your current obligations are weighing you down and you might be sacrificing too much of yourself to meet expectations. Your hometown or workplace is starting to seem suffocating, and the people you make, the people who make you feel like an outsider or present. You have been crying due to dissatisfaction with your life lately. It is important to understand the fact and the impact of a situation on your body or on your health. You would much rather accept death than continue with your life the way it is going at the moment. If these apply to you, then you weigh your opinion and seriously consider a fresh start. It Move on, get started Now.

Speaker 1:

The way I started my life over was separating myself from negative energy, negative people, pessimistic people. Those are the type of people you want to get yourself away from. They are Debbie Downers. They will drag you down with them. If they aren't going nowhere and they see you trying to be successful, they will take you down. So it's important to get those type of people away from you, far, far away from you. And if you can't escape it or if they won't let you, you must find a way to get away from that energy. You must find a way to get away from that energy, whether it's family, friends, peers, coworkers, colleagues, partners, ex-partners, anybody, anybody. Get away from them as far as possible and, to be honest, personally in my life.

Speaker 1:

I had to get away from those who were dragging me down, who were to drag me down with them. I I'm. I will not let you take me down with you. You are not my boss, you are not in control of my life. I'm getting away as far as possible. I'm gonna get a better education. I'm gonna go to better schools. I'm gonna get a better job. I'm gonna go to better schools. I'm gonna get a better job, better apartment, better living condition. I'm gonna position myself to be successful without you.

Speaker 1:

And if you're not coming out with me to be positive and to be a great leader, then I don't want to be around you because I want to be a leader, then I don't want to be around you because I want to be a leader. So I had to get away from those who were affecting me, whether they were family, relatives, friends, ex-partners, whomever. I had to escape that and it was the best thing I did. I'm so grateful that I left, because those folks have been negative to me ever since High school, college, and the only reason why I was around is just because, hey, you know what they need to see my face from here. You know here and there I won't say no names, even though I love you guys, I love y'all, but I must love you guys from a distance, because if I don't see your life going nowhere and you can't take me anywhere with you in a successful world, then I can't be around that negative energy or that guilt of failure, I can't. I'm an ambitious person, I know who I am, I'm motivated, I always want to get it, I always want to.

Speaker 1:

But hey, anyways, if you want to start life, I'm going to give you the seven steps. To number one reflect on your past experiences to practice. Two practice mindfulness. Three identify your goals. Four determine what's working and what needs to change. Five try something new. And six recognize your progress always. And seven reach out to a life coach. Reach out for some help Okay, reach out to a life coach. Reach out for some help Okay, reach out. But hey, if you want to change, start a fresh new life, it starts now. If you need some help, you let me know, you call me, you call us, we will help you. We will send you those steps to changing your life Now. For those who are wanting a fresh start in life, there will be a link below, and for those who want, you know, some merchandise. There will be a link below as well. But hey, I will see you all on the next podcast episode. Thank you, thank you, thank you.